Frequent ingestion of semen, either vaginally or orally, before pregnancy may help reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy – but only if the semen comes from the baby’s father. The medical research looks at this in connection with preeclampsia and more broadly in terms of the health of the pregnant woman. It always impresses me how inclusive nature is – broader than our conceptions of her. “Natural law” thinkers can’t possibly find a place in nature for oral sex, but not only does it exist, it shows signs of being accounted for in nature’s endlessly subtle reckoning. It is proof again that in nature nothing has only one purpose: and sex in particular seems to be infinitely repurposable in our lives, for love and babies and social cohesion and consolation and joy and health and sorrow, and all in all a kind of mirror held up to our minds. And all of it finely calibrated, so that our desires end up being somehow good in the end. It is as impressive as it is obvious, to all but those whose orthodoxies do not admit of facts.
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