More bobcat visits. Three nights ago it was particularly outrageous. Because the night before I saw tracks which went back and forth in front of my house which were laid down between 8 p.m. and midnight, the following night I made it a point to shine a flashlight into the night every fifteen minutes. At midnight I shined the light and saw nothing but fresh, even snow. But at 12:15 – with me sitting by the window the whole time, seeing nothing – I shone the light and there were tracks EVERYWHERE in front of my house, to within five feet of my bottom step. They zigged and zagged and crossed the area in front of the house multiple times. I seized my coat and went outside and saw nothing but tracks. I followed the tracks, which zoomed across the field into the deep woods, and saw, as usual, only more tracks, going further and further away. I paused – I did not want to doggedly pursue this animal, for fear that would scare him off permanently. So I returned to my cabin.
I wish for the powers of St. Francis, to befriend these animals without them losing their essential wildness.
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