This past fall I was asked to write a profile of Fr. Reginald Foster, which is coming out shortly from The New Criterion. At the time I was working on a memoir about Rome, and it was obvious that I was leaving a tremendous amount about my relationship with Reginaldus unsaid because it was too complicated. I began thinking about a larger writing project about Reginaldus. When I went to Milwaukee to interview Reginaldus for the piece, I realized that the time was very ripe for a biography. His memory is superb, and he was in a very sentimental mood – very willing to answer questions and very interested in dwelling for awhile on the past.
What will help this project along the most is if students of Reginaldus take some time to write down their memories of him. I’d love for thoughtful essays but almost anything written down is useful. Pictures are useful too. Material can be sent to me – The more material we have written down, the easier it is to put together a biography.
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