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November 4 2008.             It felt wonderful to be alive Tuesday night.  It’s nice to be reminded that the votes are counted – that either side can win, that the vote determines the power structure of this country, and that your individual choice can matter.

where can i buy Latuda             We are also told that it is a wonderful moment because Barack Obama is “the first African-American president-elect in American history.”  And he is.  And on that level it is a historic moment – a moment of pride for all involved, for blacks that one of their family is now leader of our country, for whites that someone who “doesn’t look like all those other presidents” can be on their side too.

            But there is a deeper synthesis at work here: Obama is much more than a black president.  Really a “black” president – someone who completely and fully identified with the experience of black people in America and only black people in America – could not be elected president of this country.  Because this country is much larger than merely the black experience, and our presidents have to represent more of the nation to get elected.

            The deeper meaning of Obama is that he brings together in himself both black and white.  He has deeply lived in this contradiction for so long that he has managed to integrate within himself these two polarities of the American experience.  He holds them together – and this is why he is so mesmerizing to us.  He is comfortable with both.  I cannot imagine how much soul work on his part went into such a synthesis.  But the end result is that this is a man deeply in touch with his own self, all of it, and it gives him a kingly power – that power which people today call “presidential.”


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