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The Malefactors of Great Wealth.

buy Lyrica cheap I know that anger is not all that useful and that my own personal contempt for the malefactors of great wealth is not news to anyone, but since the bonuses paid to AIG executives are being discussed now, let me note that the rich are really storing up wrath for themselves, if not in heaven then in the hearts of those who believe in equality, justice, and humanity.  And to trot out these manifestly specious arguments for the sheeple to gobble up just adds another fathom to Madame DeFarge’s weave.  “It’s a contractual obligation!” – but we need to get out of our contractual obligations to our unions.  “We need to retain our best minds in this crisis!” – but more than a third of the recipients of these bonuses are to people leaving the company.  “It’s not that much money!” – all the more reason to forego it without contest.  The more I hear, the more I feel that this entire “credit crisis” comes not from defaulted mortgages, but from the immense amounts of wealth corporate executives have removed from the economy and consumed on stupidity and trifles.  It makes you realize limited liability corporations really make no sense when coupled with unlimited greed.  Someone just may realize that that is a ludicrous imbalance in our law.  Someone may also get the idea of loading up the tumbrils to bring the day’s red wine to Monsieur Le Guillotine.  I’d much prefer for everyone to sing Lionel Richie songs together, plant daylilies, and just be nice.  But “you cannot serve God and Mammon” is not a new teaching.

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