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Monthly Archives: June 2009

Obama’s Refusal to Grandstand.


I’ve read a few bloggers who complain that Obama’s relative silence is “cowardly” or that there is too much emphasis on “realpolitik” and he’s just waiting to see who triumphs and then he’ll embrace him.  Nonsense.  This man knows that he is not the story here.  And what’s more, he doesn’t need to say anything […]

More fawns.


I went for a walk the other day, and in a hemlock grove I found another fawn who remained in place despite my approach.  I was able to get quite close.

Iranian News.


I come down from my cabin to internet life here in the valley to find some real world news since last I checked, coming from Iran.  A stolen election – I see no need to discuss this overmuch, it’s clearly something the Iranian government would willingly do, and there’s evidence enough already – and hundreds […]

Quote for the Day.


“Man is not the enemy of man but by the medium of a false system of government.” – Thomas Paine Our prayers are with all those who do not wish to be governed by fear.

For God’s sake, cancel your Verizon accounts.


I know they have the best wireless service in the area.  But anything is better than alliance with tyrants. I’m currently at minute 33 on hold, after speaking with five different service representatives over the past two hours.  My story?  In September I brought a Verizon technician out to my cabin – Verizon is the […]

Nature Days.


Summer life has begun in earnest here, and the predominant sense is of being surrounded by life.  One afternoon two turkeys, leading nearly twenty chicks, drifted past my cabin, swarming around obstacles like the shed or the woodpiles like ants, the whole time clucking and cooing in the strangest of ways.  Yesterday as I tended […]



The Convience Store on Atlantic Ave, East Rockaway, N.Y.  Worth clicking for a closer look.  You’ll see that among other things they sell “Stationary” and “Ballons,” which sound worth investigating.

Reaction to the Obama Cairo Speech.


I sat myself down in Claryville on a cloudy, cold summer afternoon and watched the Obama Cairo speech beginning to end, and then read some of the internet reactions. My short reaction is that Obama is a poster child for the importance of personal spiritual development.  For the most part, the existence of these spiritually […]

Obama’s Cairo Speech.


I thought about this a lot as I heard older folk talk about the presidential campaign: what a gift the internet is, to deliver us from what used to be called journalism.  Here’s the full video and transcript of the Obama speech in Cairo.  It’s quite extraordinary if looked at in full.

What this country looks like, politically & economically.


Something like this.