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Snowmageddon Fallout.

order Pregabalin There’s still no power here in the valley, a week after the snow began.  Official totals (as I hear through the grapevine, which certainly doesn’t decrease the total) for the upper elevations in this area for last week was 55 inches.  This is believable.  It has been compressing impressively; in front of my house, my snowpiles are down two feet since the snow stopped Sunday (from about 7 feet to 5 feet). It will be a wet spring, no doubt, as all this stuff melts; everyone is hoping for a whole bunch of days where it gets to about 40, for a slow but steady melt.  If it all stays put and then we get a warm rain, there will be terrible flooding.  And indeed, with the amount of snow around the country this winter, spring floods are likely to be bad even under the best of conditions.  It amazes me that nature stores water in this way; the amount of water sitting right now on the Catskills just boggles my mind.  What is it?  Billions of gallons?  There must be half a gallon sitting on top of every square foot for a hundred miles in every direction.

Thank God the snowplow-guys know where I park!

Thank God the snowplow-guys know where I park!

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