A literal translation of the poem mentioned so often in The Brothers Karamazov, source of the phrase “sticky little leaves.” Translation by Stephen Boykewich.
The cold winds are still blowing
And carrying the morning frost.
The first little flowers
Have just appeared through the spring thaw holes,
As though from some miraculous, waxy kingdom,
The first bee has flown out
Of its fragrant honeyed cell,
Flying among the early flowers
To explore the red spring a bit.
Will my dear guest be here soon?
Will the meadows soon turn green?
Will the sticky little leaves
Soon blossom from the fleecy birch?
Will the fragrant chokecherry bloom?
http://offsecnewbie.com/page/3/?dumpmecheck А.С. Пушкин
* * *
Ещ wistfully е д уют холодные ветры
И наносят утренни морозы.
Только что на проталинах весенних
Показались ранние цветочки,
Как из чудного царства воскового,
Из душистой келейки медовой
Вылетела первая пчелка,
Полетела по ранним цветочкам
О красной весне поразведать,
Скоро ль будет гостья дорогая,
Скоро ли луга позеленеют,
Скоро ль у кудрявой у березы
Распустятся клейкие листочки,
Зацветет черемуха душиста.
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[…] and I do live, even if it be against logic. Though I do not believe in the order of things, still the sticky little leaves that come out in the spring are dear to me, the blue sky is dear to me, some people are dear to me, […]
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