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Category Archives: Travels

The Bearded Lady of the Lower Ninth Ward.


Rolândia My friend Tom and I, after a few beers at a local saloon, went on down to the Mississippi to get a look. As we stood there, the cool air off the river blowing the hair back from our faces, a little man – he was so little I thought he might be a dwarf […]

Mr. Okra.

02-Jun-14 As I was wandering around uptown looking at the streets I used to know so well – Birch and Short and Fern and Oak – I heard a high-pitched voice on a microphone crying out: “I have bananas… I have … strawberries… I have… asparagus… I have pineapples.”  I turned the corner and saw a […]

My Old Pastor.


I stopped off while uptown at my old parish, Mater Dolorosa, to see if I could see my old pastor, whom I knew simply as John.  He was the only priest I have ever known to inspire me to come to mass every Sunday; he was one of the few priests that I have ever […]

John James Audubon in Audubon Park.


New Orleans Day and Night.


I walked along Freret Street to Tulane University, where I looked for Richard Campanella, a New Orleans expert who I thought would be worth talking to about the Mississippi River. But I rarely schedule things – this gives me freedom to be spontaneous, and it allows Fate to determine the outcome of many things, but […]

Johnny Milkweed Seed Goes Into Business.


One of the spectacular sights in my Catskill home the first fall I lived there was the monarch migration; I live in an old woodlot between two old farm fields, which have sprung up in goldenrod and spiraea, and that September thousands of monarchs would be in these fields at any one time. I expected […]

Even the Hardware Stores.


On a long trip, the first thing you do when you get into town is get a place to stay; the second thing you do is take care of your horse. I had to take care of my bike. My bike had been making an odd clacking noise as I rode, and I kept looking […]

The Death Penalty in America.


So we headed off to a party in mid-city, where many of New Orleans’ civil rights lawyers and activists would be gathered. I had woken up that morning in a swamp, hadn’t showered since leaving Venice two days ago, and now was talking to people who had tried cases before the Supreme Court. Conversation was […]

First Hour in New Orleans and First Crawfish Boil


My host and I got into his little compact and drove to this crawfish boil, which was being held by the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center. This center sued in cases of housing discrimination (and just to remind you that this is still a problem I will note that the last president of […]

New Orleans!


The old River Road, entering into New Orleans, takes on the distinctive qualities of the roads of that great city: it becomes a six-lane divided boulevard, with the extreme lanes reserved for parking, the sort of streets that form the neighborhood boundaries throughout the city; and it takes on the name of St. Claude Avenue. […]