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Tag Archives: fathers

Fathers, Sons, Punishment, Forgiveness, Christianity and Islam.


Holbæk I was born Catholic, and I remain so, but I do not believe I became a real Christian until four years ago, when I had what we may as well call my conversion. It happened as follows. Some young men have difficulty measuring up to their fathers. My brother and I have had something of […]



Gavà One of the consistently impressive things about life in the woods is the enlarged importance of dreams: if you keep to the natural cycle of light and dark you will sleep more, and arise naturally: and these two things are probably enough to ensure that your mind will get some harvest from its natural crop […]

Society Without the Father.


An anecdote from Richard Rohr which caught my eye: When I was giving priests’ retreats in Peru, a sister working in the main prison in Lima told me a story I have never forgotten.  She said as Mother’s Day was approaching the prisoners kept asking for Mother’s Day cards.  She brought card after card so […]