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Tag Archives: fracking

Back on the Road in America.

12-Dec-15 Catherine and I set off yesterday for Ohio, in preparation for the birth of our first child. Catherine wants to do a home birth, but for that a home a bit more spacious and commodious than our cabin seems desirable, and in the end we decided on Ohio, where her family is. And specifically, we […]



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Catskill photographer Les Stone has started turning his camera on fracking in Pennsylvania so we know exactly what we’re talking about.  I’m sympathetic to the argument that if we consume energy we had better share the burden of producing it.  But destroying groundwater – forever – is always going to be just about the least […]

Fracking and Earthquakes.


Human beings have become so incredibly powerful.  A 600% increase in 3.0-or-greater magnitude earthquakes in middle America with no known natural explanation for it – the USGS describes the earthquakes as “almost certainly manmade.”  The probable cause is fracking. “If you are doing deep well injection, you are altering the stress on the underlying rocks […]