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Tag Archives: Islam

Faymiyun, the Holy Man of Arabia.


triply This is the story of Christianity in ancient Najran, in Yemen, as found in Ibn Ishaq’s Life of the Messenger of Allah.  I quote almost the entirety of it in the above essay, so I figured I would put it up in its original form, as it does not appear to be easily available online […]

Fathers, Sons, Punishment, Forgiveness, Christianity and Islam.

09-Oct-12 I was born Catholic, and I remain so, but I do not believe I became a real Christian until four years ago, when I had what we may as well call my conversion. It happened as follows. Some young men have difficulty measuring up to their fathers. My brother and I have had something of […]

The Two Islams and the Two Christianities.


“Tell me, you who wish to be under a Law: have you not heard the Law?  It is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a maidservant and one of a free woman.  The son by the maidservant was according to the flesh, and the son by the free woman was according to the […]

“The Mosque.”


I’ve been out of the loop as far as news goes, and I will say that I really cannot believe that this mosque controversy has gone on so long.  I’m utterly willing to say that anyone who believes in taking away the right of the builders to practice their religion in any place that they […]

A religious leader on music…


In my last piece I noted quickly that music tends to go with religion, as indicating a life of pure ornament without further purpose, like a wayside shrine or a stained-glass window – indeed like everything treated as holy as opposed to useful.  Here’s another perspective.

As Pure Story…


… the world is very satisfactory.  It is merely the fact that it is real that makes it so hard to swallow.



There really is quite a bit of interesting stuff going on in Holland (surprisingly enough).  The party of Geert Wilders, campaigning against further Muslim immigration to Holland – and, honestly, there is room for a discussion of immigration, especially as the economic reasons for it are now suspect, as capital go to cheap labor now […]