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Tag Archives: Jayber Crow


14-Aug-13 “No specter assails us in more varied disguises than loneliness, and one of its most impenetrable masks is called love.” – Arthur Schnitzler, quoted by Clive James. I’ve been reading James’ Cultural Amnesia, a fine book; essentially excerpts from James’ commonplace-book with essays built around them, on a general theme.  Probably for personal reasons, my […]

Jayber Crow, by Wendell Berry.


buy veterinary prednisone Several years ago, when I took it in mind to write a book, I reasoned with myself thus: “Young writers go astray by trying to write ‘the Great American Novel.’  Don’t try.  Write the best book you can about the county where you live.”  That county happened to be Richmond County, or Staten Island, and […]

Jayber Crow in the flesh.


Took me by surprise.  In the neighboring hamlet of Grahamsville, New York: Proof, I suppose, that Wendell Berry writes plausibly of rural America.  And this, of course, is a thousand miles away from Jayber Crow‘s home of “Port William.”

Life With Nature.


Reading a fair amount of Wendell Berry.  Worthwhile. “Here on the river I have known peace and beauty such as I never knew in any other place. There is always work here that I need to be doing and I have many worries, for life on the edge seems always threatening to go over the […]

The Great Recession.


After ten days in the city, I’m heading back to the snows.  Far and away the most striking thing about this visit was the sheer number of unemployed people I met.  Last night was the peak of this, at a Christian artists’ party.  Of course the artsy folk are going to be underemployed, but this […]