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Tag Archives: Latin

Quote of the Day.


Rio Negro “Well the fact is everything in life is uncertain, friends, but you can’t just go around using the subjunctive all the time.”  -Reginald Foster

Reginald Foster in Milwaukee.


buy Pregabalin A very nicely done segment which aired on the Milwaukee Fox Affiliate, about the American version of Reginaldus’s Latin experiences. The class shown is the Third Experience. I will confess to little jets of pain when I see Reginaldus’s body so laid low by time – when I first met him, you could not convince […]

For the Latinists.


A Latin job for 2010-11 has opened at Regis in New York City – a program which should be (should not is) the best Latin program in any American high school.  The school’s history has been shaped by the formative deed which started it – a large, anonymous gift which paid all the school’s expenses […]

Lead Us Not Into Penn Station.


Lots of reading getting done here.  One book I read last week was Jill Jonnes’ Conquering Gotham, about the construction of Penn Station (ugh these titles; can’t we just call it “The Building of Penn Station”?).  The book makes a good read for the NYC enthusiast; part of the pleasure is deepening one’s knowledge of […]

Sully and Christianity…


An interesting post by Andrew Sullivan particularly relevant for the tendency of religious people today to look backwards to some previous era as purer or more holy than what we have today.  As someone who has spent much of his life with Latin and people who love Latin I know this tendency well.  The sum […]

British Education Minister Attacks Latin.


And gets a response. My general take on it: it’s about as useful and important as learning music.  If you’re the kind of person who thinks we should just get rid of music, I think you’ll want to dump Latin too, and for the same reasons. One of the commenters asked, “I wonder how many […]

Reading Languages.


Students of ancient languages know the feeling of being able to read no more than a paragraph of text in an hour, slogging through a dictionary for nearly every word and then trying to decipher the sentence.  But similarly those who have stayed with them know the feeling of being able to speak and read […]

Living Latin


SALVI, the North American Institute of Living Latin Studies (Septentrionale Americanum Latinitatis Vivae Institutum), has a new website up with various Latin resources, including a fair amount of information about their Rusticatio, the week-long Latin immersions we do during the summer.  They’ve also got a piece I wrote with some hints for Latinists learning to […]



For the next week I’ll be serving in an instructional role at the Rusticatio Virginiana.  A group named SALVI – the North American Living Latin Institute – rents a 19th c. plantation in West Virginia and fills it with people who for a week speak nothing but Latin – taking classes, cooking our meals, playing […]

One country.


Just back from five days in Wyoming.  It was completely shocking.  It snowed the whole time (the old Wyoming joke is “If summer falls on a weekend this year, we’ll go to the park and have a picnic”).  I was building snowmen just a few days after hanging out with alligators and sleeping with the […]