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Tag Archives: Roosevelt

In New York City

25-Feb-17 There’s always something to remind me of home.

Day One: Across New York State.


buy Gabapentin 100mg I spent four summers during college traveling around Europe, and I always felt a bit ashamed that so many of the Europeans I met there had seen so much more of America than I had: they had been to the Grand Canyon, driven Route 66, hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, seen San Francisco and Hollywood, […]

Obama’s “Passion.”


A very nicely written attack on Obama from the New York Times op-ed page, succinctly summarizing why we need FDR and not Obama in the presidency right now.  I agree with this, but I consider it a sign of obtuseness to have believed Obama was a new FDR in the first place: he was, for […]

FDR – the greatest American President.


Just a few months ago I stopped off at FDR’s “Little White House,” the modest country cabin in Georgia where he took his vacations and where he died.  Its simplicity – it is one storey, and only a few rooms, perhaps fifteen hundred square feet – mocks our modern mores, and shows more starkly the […]

Radical Incoherence.


Sullivan linked to a video featuring a former U.S. Speaker of the House – who admittedly never got any reputation for integrity – call Obama “the most radical president in American history.”  In the cafe where I’m writing in small-town America, there’s a little memento I often look at.  It’s a “Gasoline Ration Card,” issued […]