I’m going to tackle abortion in three parts. Part one – dealing specifically with abortion and the vote – is below. As I wrote it, though, I realized that the Church hierarchy’s approach to the abortion problem tells you a great deal about the problems of the Church hierarchy and why we are in for decades more of […]
Monthly Archives: October 2008
Abortion: in general.
30-Oct-08Right Behind My House.
29-Oct-08Winter comes early in the Catskills.
29-Oct-08An October Surprise.
29-Oct-08I wasn’t expecting to get 16″ of snow before I even got to carve my jack-o’-lanterns, but apparently this happens sometimes in the Catskills. Slide Mountain, just a few miles away, apparently got 20″. I’ll be on foot for the next few days, until the (unplowed) road to my cabin thaws.
John McCain’s Faith of My Fathers.
29-Oct-08The most striking thing about John McCain’s book Faith of My Fathers is how different it is from other political books, such as the works of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. In fact, it is not really a political book at all. There is no engagement with political issues. There is no Orwellian talk […]
Barack Obama’s Audacity of Hope.
24-Oct-08Let me start this review by stating that The Audacity of Hope is not a great book. I spend a great deal of time reading old books, and I am always looking, in modern books, for the quality and depth of thought I find in the old ones. It would be delightful to find the […]
23-Oct-08Karen Armstrong’s History of God.
23-Oct-08When someone writes a four-hundred page summary of the monotheistic West’s ideas about God, there are a few things a reviewer can’t say. You can’t say that the author left things out; of course, that’s the nature of the project. You can’t say that the treatment of certain things was cursory; of course it will […]
Reason concerning the Republican party.
23-Oct-08This doesn’t sum up my anger at what has become the party of government of the dumb, by the dumb, and for the rich, but it does offer reasoned, moderate analysis of why this version of the Republican party must be publicly and massively repudiated: http://www.reason.com/news/show/129599.html
Abortion and the vote.
30-Oct-08About a week ago, I was alerted to a recent sermon by the Bishop of St. Louis, the purport of which was: vote for McCain or roast in hell (full text here: http://www.stlouisreview.com/article.php?id=16208). He contended that this election (like all elections, as I believe he thinks) is a referendum on abortion, and that Catholics, […]