High of 33 degrees today, with intermittent snow. November in the Catskills. A day for splitting wood.
Monthly Archives: November 2008
One of the better-known figures in Classics today is Father Reginald Foster. His story is interesting enough to have appeared in the media several times, including The New York Times, The New Yorker, the BBC, and most thoroughly in The American Scholar.[1] He has his own weekly spot on Vatican Radio, called “the Latin […]
November 4 2008.
06-Nov-08It felt wonderful to be alive Tuesday night. It’s nice to be reminded that the votes are counted – that either side can win, that the vote determines the power structure of this country, and that your individual choice can matter. We are also told that it is a wonderful moment because Barack […]
The moment we are in.
05-Nov-08A gift to the country from Tom Toles.
The worst-case scenario.
04-Nov-08The worst-case scenario is this: McCain wins, and then dies on election night. Palin becomes de facto president-elect; but several of the electors in the electoral college declare that they will not cast their votes for her. Complete chaos ensues, but in the end she squeaks by and has enough electors. She is a disaster […]
Why New York is the most wonderful city I know.
07-Nov-08The Village on Election Night: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2008/11/like-berlin-in.html