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If by whiskey… Students of rhetoric should take a look at the 710 News’ post on the rhetorical technique of taking a term and defining it in two ways, one way being desirable and the other not.  Does this have a name?  Did the ancients do it?  If it is modern, surely someone has explored modern rhetoric the way the ancients did their own, no?  Where do we find that information?

“If by wine you mean the water of life, the sweet breath of the vine, the blood of Christ, the sap of the hills, the consolatrix of Omar Khayyam, and the water of Hafiz, then I am all for it; but if by wine you mean the punch of the devil, the debauchee of the young, the ruination of the drunkard, the wrecker of homes, the affliction of the lonely, the disease of the priest, then I oppose it.”

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