From Overlook Mountain. Life is just so succulent and juicy all summer, and somehow we never seem to quite realize. The picture looks astonishing to me, who have in my eyes the barren mountains as November sets in.
Monthly Archives: October 2009
Dreaming of summer…
27-Oct-09Kill Your Television.
27-Oct-09This is all so obvious, but still worth a thought, considering how electronic raising of kids is only getting more prevalent. From Movie Mom, via Andrew Sullivan, on the expose of the Baby Einstein fraud: The academic studies show that what infants learn from watching a family member once takes them four times as long […]
21-Oct-09The Vatican just canonized Fr. Peter Damien, which gives me a great excuse to remember some of the good parts of my trip to Hawaii last year. I spent most of my time on Molokai, the small island where Peter Damien lived. Really all I need to show are images, which are extraordinary enough. And […]
Silence and Rejection
20-Oct-09Astonished by a piece about the writer Shusaku Endo, about the role of failure and rejection and suffering in Christianity. This he sees as the sense of failure in life and the subsequent shame and guilt that leave a lasting impact upon a person’s life. Such theological notions as love, grace, trust, and truth are […]
Monastic Life.
18-Oct-09When I arrived on top of Giant Ledge late this afternoon I found three people enjoying the view. Their conversation had some strange inner weight to it which I could not quite fathom, but I could tell that there was some real experience behind it, despite their obvious youth. It turns out all three were […]
Those Who Live By the Law…
18-Oct-09The man in the photo with the Leviticus quotation tattooed on his arm, who clearly sees it as a justification for violence against gays, got some great treatment from a pastor who reads Andrew Sullivan’s blog: Too bad the guy with the passage from Leviticus tattooed on his arm didn’t read the next chapter: “You […]
18-Oct-09Quote of the Day
16-Oct-09“All real living is meeting.” – Martin Buber
Fall Photos.
15-Oct-09A photo album I put on Facebook, of fall in the Catskills.
Bat Boy Guns Down Baby Sasquatch In Catskills!
28-Oct-09Bat Boy was stopped by Department of Environmental Conservation officers on Route 42 in the Catskills with the carcass of a baby sasquatch tied onto his roof – but then was waved by when officers saw his hunting partner: former Vice President Dick Cheney! Their 2009 Chevy Tahoe was later seen entering Area 52, a […]