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Paulus, the first hermit.

In Latin first (from the breviary), then my free translation after.

“Paulus, eremitarum auctor et magister, apud inferiorem Thebaidem natus, cum quindecim esset annorum, orbatus parentibus est.  Qui postea declinandae causa persecutionis Decii et Valeriani, et Deo liberius inserviendi, in eremi speluncam se contulit: ubi, palma ei victum et vestitum praebente, vixit ad centesimum et decimum tertium annum, quo tempore ab Antonio nonagenario Dei admonitu invisitur.  Quibus inter se, cum antea non nossent, proprio nomine consalutantibus, et multa de regno Dei colloquentibus, corvus, qui antea semper Paulo dimidiatum panem attulerat, integrum detulit.”

“Paulus, the first master of the men of the wilderness, was born in the Lower Thebaid; at fifteen he lost both his parents.  Thereupon to escape the persecutions of Decius and Valerian, and serve God more freely, he took himself to a cave in the wilderness, where, fed and clothed by the palm-trees, he lived into his 113th year, when lo, Antonius, then in his nineties, following the command of God, went into the wilderness to find him.  Though they had never seen each other before, they hailed each other by their true names; and as they shared their experiences of the kingdom of God, a crow, who for decades had brought Paulus a half a loaf of bread each day, that day brought him a whole loaf.”

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