Is there any way Mr. Obama can hire this guy in some capacity? How about press secretary? So sensible, such auctoritas. He should just keep on talking.
A friend of mine with “national security connections” said that the whole national security apparatus was refusing to serve Obama and was refusing to provide intelligence: the CIA, military, FBI, Homeland Security, you name it. Sounds like nonsense to me, but if it’s true and no one in any of those positions cares to defend the lives of their wives or mothers or children, then it may be time to start over anyway. If we were at that stage it would hardly be Obama’s fault. But anyway, I doubt that any human being worth anything would refuse to save a life because he had a democrat for his president.
But why are people saying such things? How can people who are respected in our society be so disconnected from truth or honor? It’s like Cheney’s speechwriter Thiessen claiming “the Obama administration is no longer interrogating terrorists, no longer capturing them, and trying to get them” a day before the head of the Taliban – a higher-profile figure than any the Bush administration ever captured – was taken into custody.
Anyway, the Powell interview above is a refreshing, sensible alternative. Facts, facts, facts.
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