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Monthly Archives: February 2010

In Front of My House.


Oscar the Horror-Movie Cat.


I know there are lots of people who are creeped out by cats, but this will creep out (and impress) even cat lovers: a cat in a nursing home who makes the rounds with the doctors, and every patient he curls up to snuggle with dies within a few hours. He’s done this for years, […]

The latest car trouble.


Literally – no brakes!  I knew they were getting unresponsive when I drove up here a few days ago, so I tested them before going down the big hill toward the post office.  No brakes!  Obviously, I didn’t hazard the hill, or I would probably be dead now.  Yet another visit from the tow truck, […]



Not much in the Catskills, in fact.  Five inches, perhaps.  Looks pretty, no doubt.  But not a big storm here at all.  In fact, there hasn’t been nearly so much snow here this year as snowy places like Virginia Beach, or Ocean City.



Rossville, Staten Island.

Suzanne Vega at the Allen Room, Lincoln Center.


Suzanne Vega has only one New York show scheduled on her tour supporting the new acoustic effort Suzanne Vega Close-Up, the late January show at Lincoln Center’s Allen Room.  It sold out easily, and others may be added, but there is a slight melancholy about the fact, indicative of the city’s lethargy in celebrating its […]

Dante Goes to Hell.


So now there’s a video game “based on” Dante’s Inferno.  Of course there’s been some toying with the plot: But for Dante’s Inferno (out today for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, $60, rated Mature for ages 17-up) to work as a game, the designers needed an amped-up protagonist. “The historical Dante is not […]

Suzanne Vega interview for Gothamist.


Had to happen, I suppose, that the man who took up wearing “I (Heart) SV” shirts in 2009 should get the opportunity to interview her in 2010.  If you’ve spoken to me recently you know that the interview did not go nearly as smoothly as I wanted.  But it’s up now and you can take […]

Temptation (Ctd.)


On my mind as I consider avoidance.  A second attempt, to clarify the thought: The essence of every temptation is that it contains within itself the evasion of a fact.

The Temptation.


The evasion of a fact is always the real temptation.