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More Superlative Weather.

We are having weather which is more usual to April, in March; it has been so warm and pleasant, it feels like a great gift.  Everyone is in a good mood.  On my way down here my neighbors were sitting on deck chairs on their lawn – and raised their hands to me in complacent acknowledgement.  Fabulous.

Nature is not deceived, however, and is not terribly active.  The deer are prowling around, looking unhappy, but no other large animals have been around.  The ground is brown and will not green up for many weeks.  There are a few more birds in the area – I heard their song when I stepped out of my house this morning – but the real uptick in activity is among the insects.  Last night a moth flew to my window, and I almost cried when I saw him – a herald of spring!  “How beautiful upon the mountain-airs are the wings of him who brings good news.”  Yet another seeker after the Flame.  But most noticeable are the flies – we’ve had a good hatch of flies, common house-fly flies, musca domestica.  They’ve learned that the nicest place to warm up in the morning is on the siding of my cabin.  They’ve sunbathed quite satisfactorily by the time I step out, and it sounds like a beehive when I open the door.  I hear that the latest home-ecology is to nourish the insects, as the indispensable foundation of the food-pyramid.  So I tell the flies to be fruitful and be multiplied.

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