An interesting post from Jacob Morrow on urban farming: Two sections of these books particular caught my attention. One (from The Winter Harvest Handbook) is about the tradition of small, but intensely cultivated, market gardens, which were commonplace in nineteenth-century Paris, although they all but disappeared in the twentieth century. This type of gardening (la culture maraicher), […]
Monthly Archives: March 2010
In a city, where do you get your manure?
04-Mar-10Jayber Crow, by Wendell Berry.
03-Mar-10 Several years ago, when I took it in mind to write a book, I reasoned with myself thus: “Young writers go astray by trying to write ‘the Great American Novel.’ Don’t try. Write the best book you can about the county where you live.” That county happened to be Richmond County, or Staten Island, and […]
Jayber Crow in the flesh.
03-Mar-10Took me by surprise. In the neighboring hamlet of Grahamsville, New York: Proof, I suppose, that Wendell Berry writes plausibly of rural America. And this, of course, is a thousand miles away from Jayber Crow‘s home of “Port William.”
Peregrine Falcon vs. Snowy Owl
03-Mar-10From the December NYS Conservationist magazine, a set of photos of a battle between a peregrine falcon and a snowy owl at Jones Beach. One of the things I’ve been meditating on recently is the way the Roman Pliny sees nature as a kind of gladiatorial show, with every animal having a special “natural enemy” […]
02-Mar-10On in the valley, at least as far as the fire station.
Snowmageddon Fallout.
02-Mar-10There’s still no power here in the valley, a week after the snow began. Official totals (as I hear through the grapevine, which certainly doesn’t decrease the total) for the upper elevations in this area for last week was 55 inches. This is believable. It has been compressing impressively; in front of my house, my […]
March Begins.
02-Mar-10Dawn from the cabin. The month of melting begins.
02-Mar-10Sullivan’s website alerted me to the astonishing fact that John Adams was the lawyer for the British soldiers who fired on the crowd in the Boston Massacre; and not only did he do it in the interest of preserving the men’s right to a fair trial, he got six acquitted and two were given reduced […]