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Monthly Archives: April 2010

“Don’t Worry… He’s More Afraid of You…”


A few days of emotional chaos, perfectly reflected by the weather: cold, rain, sleet, snow – yesterday I woke up to find half-an-inch on the ground.  The wind has been astonishing, shaking the house, raising great swells of sound up from the mountain.  Clarity emerged, and I wrote a letter, which I resolved to carry […]

For the Regians…


A piece in the Wall Street Journal about debaters, featuring Eric Dimichele.

Talk about Brains!


If you’ve never read a piece by Glenn Greenwald, treat yourself.  This guy sounds like a terrible person to have a dinner conversation with – time to cut down on those unsubstantiated assertions! – but invaluable as a journalist and blogger.  Terribly smart and frighteningly informed.  And he exudes the integrity of crisp thinking.  In […]

Simone de Beauvoir.


Apparently a new edition of her book The Second Sex is out (rather substance-free review from Salon here).  I found the book in a friend’s house a few weeks ago, and devoured a few hundred pages of it before my visit ended.  It’s dazzlingly intelligent and endlessly fascinating; I read it as perhaps it is […]



“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” – Carl Jung.



Trillium Erectum, just coming into bloom on Wildcat Mountain.

Kung v. Benedict.


Kung comes across as just as stuck in his ways as his opposition – the old boring liberal vs. conservative battle the Church has borrowed from the culture – but he’s smart of course and says some very perceptive things in this open letter to the bishops.  And the conclusion?  Call a council.

Jung on the Law versus Grace.


I was struck by the diocese of New York removing from the Easter Vigil the reading of Abraham sacrificing Isaac; presumably because the story scandalizes nice good people who want religion to look hunky-dory and sweet.  But obviously, if God cannot work through horror and crime and sin and cruelty then He can’t be terribly […]

Have to put in this link…


… just for the page title that comes up in your browser. Just for the record, where I come from, bowing can be a sign of respect just as much as a sign of obsequious bootlicking.  Bowing to women, for instance, is no humiliation to the bower.  And humility is a virtue which adorns […]



“At times I feel as if I am spread out over the landscape and inside things, and am myself living in every tree, in the plashing of the waves, in the clouds and the animals that come and go, in the procession of the seasons… I have done without electricity, and tend the fireplace and […]