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Monthly Archives: April 2010



A study on how beards affect the credibility of those who wear them, in marketing terms.  Apparently, it’s a positive for anything not sexy.  Seems about right.  I think having a beard has changed the way I think about myself too.  I’d planned to shave it off with the end of winter, but we’re well […]



One of my minor fascinations/horrors is the Islamic concept of taqqiya – which I also see spelled taqiyya – “religious lying.”  It is associated mostly with Shiites, who were a minority in much of the Islamic world, and hence concealing their religion when asked about it point-blank was at times prudent.  Of course once this […]

More Ruins.


Along the line of the Detroit Safari postings before, a list of some of the world’s best modern ruins.  With excellent pictures and some links.  Some of the images of Detroit call to mind Piranesi, and the ones of Gary suggest Caspar David Friedrich.



From the Phoenicia Times: A Sullivan County man shot and killed a large adult black bear that was menacing his daughter at her home Sunday, the state DEC has reported. The woman was inside with her four children when the bear attempted to break into a bedroom window of the home and swatted at their […]

In the Liberty Laundromat.


Folding my clothes in an empty laundromat on a beautiful day in the sad town of Liberty, NY, I was treated to the pleasant television viewing experience of “Hollywood’s Greatest Tragedies.”  I caught the tail-end of the deaths of Christopher Reeve and his wife; then what was called the Greatest Hollywood Tragedy of All Time, […]

Nature v. Profit.


This is the summer where I’ll be experimenting with getting much closer to nature – growing and gathering much more of my own food, and in general finding ways to do things without any monetary intermediary.  I’m still very far from this ideal – dandelion salads and blueberry and apple picking has been the extent […]

National Catholic Reporter.


For those who, like me, take a keen interest in what will come of the Church’s abuse scandals, take a look at the National Catholic Reporter.  They now have an entire section entitled “Church Accountability,” which focuses entirely on this issue.  One of their most recent articles notes the (hopeful) possibility of “complete overhaul of […]

In Brief.


Is it not amazing that lying, deceit, fraud – whatever you want to call it – is not listed among the Catholic Church’s traditional Seven Deadly Sins?  And here we see it still cannot shake a scandal whose deeper meaning is obvious: an utterly insufficient commitment to truth, truth at any cost, truth even if […]

Easter Services.


I came down to the City to be with my fellow believers for Easter.  I spent Holy Thursday with the Episcopalians, which was beautiful as always, and then Good Friday and the Vigil at a parish in Murray Hill. The experience of worship during Easter season in the City is unusual.  The Churches are full, […]

The Vigil Readings.


I was mildly disappointed by the readings that got left out during the Easter Vigil this year – notably the sacrifice of Isaac and Ezekiel in the Valley of the Dry Bones.  Those are great readings!  I suppose the sacrifice of Isaac is not PC, but that’s no reason to leave it out.  From an […]