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Monthly Archives: May 2010

Notes on Roman Money.


The top unit of value in the coinage of the late Republic in Rome was the aureus, which prior to Nero was approximately 1/42 of a pound of gold.  In 2010 dollars, where a pound of gold is worth about $14,000, the aureus takes on a value of approximately $330. The denarius, a silver coin, […]



Last night I was reading up on the Roman monetary system, and was reminded that a sestertius was 1/4 of a denarius. A denarius was abbreviated with an X; and a sestertius, unaccountably, with an HS. What the hell was that H? And I figured it out: it’s not an H, it’s IIS, i.e. II […]



Summer weather arrived this weekend – ninety degree days – and with it, an astonishing ascension of complexity in the life around me. In April solitary individuals would break the stillness – “What is that bird? Where is he? Let me figure it out.” – but now the forest is never silent, all kinds of […]

Unlimit their liability, and they won’t do this.


The BP spill is remarkable because the initial reportage seems to indicate that this was preventable, and can be laid at the feet of a specific Bush administration policy change in 2003. And now there is talk of fixing the oil-spill problem simply by making oil companies fiscally liable for the damage caused. That seems […]