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Society Without the Father.

An anecdote from Richard Rohr which caught my eye:

When I was giving priests’ retreats in Peru, a sister working in the main prison in Lima told me a story I have never forgotten.  She said as Mother’s Day was approaching the prisoners kept asking for Mother’s Day cards.  She brought card after card so they could write to Madre.  As Father’s Day approached she decided to be better prepared.  She bought an entire case of Father’s Day cards, so she could give them to the prisoners when they asked.  She told me that case is still sitting in her office because no one asked for a Father’s Day card.  She couldn’t give them away!

My friend looked at me with tears in her eyes because she understood the source of so much suffering.  She realized so many of the men were in prison because they never had a good father or a father at all.  Sometimes I think the “father wound” might be the most common wound on this earth.

I wonder if the jails and prisons of the world would not be much emptier if young boys had fathers to bless them, encourage them, and initiate them into manhood.

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