The book is stalled a bit, as we’re looking for the right paper for the edition, which needs a 19th c. feel; the papers looked a bit modern and slick and had to be changed. I’ll keep you updated.
Monthly Archives: July 2010
Staten Island.
28-Jul-10… what it was like here in February. July is almost over. Carpe aestatem.
Now we have a Cover…
17-Jul-10The Staten Island book is coming together… now we have a cover for it. Looks great: Staten Island’s best mix of the 1880s, 1890s, and today. You can order and get a look here.
Gone Latin-speakin’…
17-Jul-10Will probably be out of touch for awhile, as I’ve gone off to rusticate.
Entertainment and Athletics.
13-Jul-10In honor of the All-Star game, a defense of old categories. There is a tendency for old divisions to fade away, and what was separate to merge into one – a process which goes by the name of corruption. So we have business and athletics and entertainment, a trinity which many will tell you are […]
On Abraham.
13-Jul-10I’ve been wanting to write an essay about Abraham for awhile, and I’m not sure I put the essay below together in quite the way I wanted to, but the story of God demanding sin from us fascinates me. It fascinated Jung too, who said he saw the evidence of this in his patients, and […]
Abraham, Our Father in Faith.
13-Jul-10In the endless self-repeating Flows for ever more the Same; Myriad arches, springing, meeting, Hold at rest the mighty Frame; Streams from all things love of living, Grandest star and humblest clod; All the straining, all the striving, Is eternal rest in God. – GOETHE In any good religion, there should be something utterly unpalatable, […]
Walking in the Woods, Once Again.
06-Jul-10Last night – what will probably be one of the hottest nights of the year – I was sitting in my chair reading The Pilgrim’s Progress barely dressed and feverish, when I saw a flashlight dancing on my lawn. I got up, quite curious – it was after nine p.m., I live far from the […]
06-Jul-10I picked a deer tick off of me a day ago, came down with a fever almost simultaneously, and now I have the tell-tale rash developing around the bite; it looks like Lyme disease. Most unfortunate. I’ve heard that the test is both unreliable and (for those without insurance) expensive (I heard $500 today), so […]
Kindred Spirits.
28-Jul-10This poem, by William Roscoe, returns to my mind from time to time, and encapsulates something of what I seek in all things, that moment when “mind shall with mind direct communion hold.” I think of it now for many reasons – I feel full of desire for this communion, and always in this world […]