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Making One’s Own Tea.

When you grow plants that have names like “Oswego Tea” (Monarda Didyma) or “New Jersey Tea” (Ceanothus Americanus) you start getting curious about what it would be like to replace all store-bought teas with infusions made in your own backyard.  So when the a local stream management organization offered a river walk with local herbalist Betty Shaver, who promised to give us expertise in tea-making, I made sure I could be there.  I was impressed.  Shaver was born in the area and grew up living off the land; and at 73 “and no medications” she was a walking-and-skipping advertisement for country herbalism.  She brought a tea brewed of clover, mint, and violet leaves which was delicious – all ingredients very easy to find.  And she talked about using strawberry and raspberry leaves for teas as well – again, easily found.  Not that I need another task to do every day, but putting out a big jar of sun-tea every morning to bring to work the next day wouldn’t be the worst way to live.

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  1. […] question is: how do those marigolds taste? Backstory on Oswego tea: …local herbalist Betty Shaver … promised to give us expertise in tea-making, I made […]

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