I found an old box of Cheerios that I had forgotten about in a cabinet; tasting them I determined they had gone stale. I figured I’d use them as bird food during the fall migrations. I went out with the bag a few nights ago and tossed some about a hundred feet from the cabin in a place visible from my windows where wild turkeys often pass. The next morning I didn’t see any birds in particular as I looked out the window taking my breakfast, and went off to work. I examined the spot when I got back. There was not a single Cheerio to be found – I had put out probably two bowl-fulls. I was surprised to find the forest-feeders so efficient – they had found these quickly and had left nothing. That night I put out about one and a half times as much, as well as a few slices of cheese that had spoiled on me. The next morning I went out to inspect, and I found everything gone, except for one single Cheerio on a blackberry-leaf, which was hence about a foot above the forest floor.
It almost makes me sad for the animals – my Lord, the forest is so terrifyingly hungry.
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