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Fixing the Wood Stove.

A few nights ago, I dropped a log into the wood stove from the top, and it split in half the iron grill which separates the wood compartment from the ash compartment.  I suppose it should be welded together, or replaced, but doing so means taking the entire stove apart, including the flue, and then reinstalling it.  In the meantime, of course, at this time of year, the cabin gets mighty cold.

I tried but could not fix it while holding the grill in place; it’s too difficult of access.  So I took the grill out, wired it together, and have installed it in such a way that I can take it out and put it back in when removing ash.  It’s a reminder of real life: everything breaks, and usually when you are using it, i.e. when you need it.

"Turn me over, this side is done." - St. Lawrence

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