Language changes, and words take on new meanings in time, but this is an example of a meaning-shift a bit bewildering to me. I’ve seen it enough so I should be fine with it; but the word “religion” is being used to mean “everything I dislike about religion” or “bad religion.” Here in this […]
Monthly Archives: January 2012
Latin-teaching Blogging.
29-Jan-12Since I’m back in the classroom, I’m going to put up a few pieces about the nuts and bolts of Latin teaching, as I go through various topics through the school year. “Write what you know.”
Selling Toxic Bird Seed.
29-Jan-12This is a real pleasant item from corporate America: On the same week Scotts Miracle Gro tried to buy an image upgrade by sponsoring the National Wildlife Federation, word has come out of a federal court that the company will pay millions of dollars in fines for selling bird seed it knew was tainted with pesticides […]
This Just Doesn’t Stop.
26-Jan-12The headmaster of the Delbarton School has been accused of sexual misconduct with the school’s boys. There are multiple accusers. The (former) headmaster, Fr. Luke Travers, is a Benedictine monk and was headmaster of the school while I was there. He was slightly creepy, but it is only fair to say that a large percentage […]
The 3:10 To Yuma.
22-Jan-12I saw the Western The 3:10 To Yuma at the Fox Theater in downtown Tucson last night. The movie was good, though the “suspension of disbelief” requirements were a little high for me: the plot revolves around getting a notorious desperado onto a train to be hanged in Yuma. A fairly large number of people die […]
Blessing of New Parents.
22-Jan-12This is from the “never saw that before” department: while at mass at San Augustin cathedral in Tucson, I was going up to communion behind a couple with a newborn infant. They were very cute: they were supposed to go up to communion in single file, but walked up half side-by-side as if unable to […]
At Home in Tucson.
22-Jan-12White Sands.
11-Jan-12Near Alamogordo. Oh my God. Astonishing.
Trying to Keep a Straight Face.
24-Jan-12Some classic Greenwald cynicism: UPDATE: White House spokesman Jay Carney previewed President Obama’s State of the Union speech tonight as follows: “The State of the Union will be . . . about the central mission that we have as a country and his focus as president: Building a country and an economy where we reward […]