I’m really no good at adapting – “no one changes you” being the way my ex-wife summed it up – so it’s not a surprise that I’m having some difficulty living in Arizona. I went to a pizza place on Saturday without any cash, and asked for a nearby ATM. The voice of the guy […]
Monthly Archives: February 2012
05-Feb-12Everything and Anything But Edifying.
05-Feb-12“This expression, ‘God’s world,’ may sound sentimental to some ears. For me it did not have this character at all. To ‘God’s world’ belonged everything superhuman – dazzling light, the darkness of the abyss, the cold impassivity of infinite space and time, and the uncanny grotesqueness of the irrational world of chance. ‘God,’ for me, […]
05-Feb-12Night in the Desert.
05-Feb-12Feeling horribly contained by urban life here, I drove out of the city not really knowing where I was going and pulled my truck to the side of the road by a small shrine about fifty miles into the desert. I pulled out my sleeping bag and found a spot where the rocks were a […]
20-Feb-12I’ve been far too busy to write or even think too much – the unhappy result of teaching – but thank goodness for Garry Wills, to express what his Church actually knows and believes.