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Monthly Archives: June 2012

The Catholic Sex Problem, Ctd.


I just finished The Body and Society, Peter Brown’s stupendously excellent book on early Christian views of the body.  The book is filled with interesting excerpts from the saints.  Here’s one of them: “The human ideal of continence, I mean that which is set forth by the Greek philosophers, teaches one to resist passion, so […]

Green Snake.


Going out my front door late this morning I saw a green snake (Liochlorophis vernalis) warming himself – it had been a cold night – on a stump on my lawn.  I have heard that these snakes are fairly common, but in all my days in the Catskills I have seen one only twice, and […]

The Appian Way, by Bob Kaster.


Robert Kaster’s The Appian Way, Ghost Road, Queen of Roads was my companion for a day here in the woods, in between spurts of gardening and writing. The book is short – 120 pages – and generally delightful.  It consists of some scattered historical anecdotes and observations coupled with a few bursts of travel writing. […]

The View From My Window.


A Visitor.


I heard a crashing sound yesterday – some beast knocking over a plank of wood – and I quickly ventured outside to take a look.  There had been some bear activity earlier that very day.  This however was a deer, who had been grazing near where I had some dimensional lumber standing.  Though the plank […]

Bear Aerated Compost.


I came out yesterday morning to find my compost pile entirely tossed.  This must be the work either of the raccoons or the bears, though in this instance the fact that the board closing off the compost bin had been ripped off indicated that it was the bear.  And a neighbor reported having a bear […]

Praying for Rain on St. John’s Day.


It supposedly rained all of May, but there’s been very little precipitation in June.  I had about fifty or so gallons of water stored in a cistern when I arrived.  I can go down to the spring for drinking water, which is no trouble, but lugging water a few hundred feet uphill to water the […]

Country Alarm Clock.


I was woken up this morning by some weird scratching at the front door – it sounded like some animal was gnawing the screen off the door.  It was clearly a small animal, and I wasn’t too worried about it, but it just wouldn’t stop – so I got up (it was just past 5 […]



I dreamt that I went to mass and was the last person to come up for communion, and there was no bread or wine for me.  But the priest had a drop of water in the cup and he gave that to me, saying it was enough.  As I took the cup on my knees […]

Such an early, unusual year.


Ate my first blueberries yesterday.  Lowbush blueberries, the highbush are still a few weeks away.  But amazingly early – three weeks early!  And a very heavy crop too.  These lowbush blueberries cover Wildcat Mountain, and while they can’t produce as abundantly as the larger highbush variety, the berries are very tasty and well worth the […]