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Monthly Archives: July 2012

The Apostolic Succession of Generations.


I saw this turkey on my drive in to the cabin yesterday, leading an adorable cohort of little giblets.  (I don’t know the proper term for a baby turkey, so “giblet” will have to do.)  I love the way the parents speak to the little giblets, the little clucks and coos that make the little […]

Beebalm Season.


I love these flowers.  And so do the hummingbirds, who wage a continual battle with each other to get at them.  Also known as Oswego Tea, I sure do use these leaves to make drinks.  Latin name is Monarda didyma.

I Think I Just Found A New Dish…


Daylilies!  These things are taking over the Catskills, so maybe I can fight back by eating them.

Newman, and Burton.


I found this in Burton’s commentary to his Kasidah.  The exclamation point I am sure is Burton’s.  From Newman’s Apologia Pro Vita Sua: To consider the world in its length and breadth, its various history and the many races of men, their starts, their fortunes, their mutual alienation, their conflicts, and then their ways, habits, […]

Life, Life, Life.


It’s the flower of the year here, when you feel surrounded by life every minute.  I find it endlessly beautiful.  Yesterday I went for a swim mid-day – my saintly boss canceled work due to the heat – and in the swimming hole were maybe a dozen trout more than a foot long.  I found […]

This is Unfortunately Turning Into A Very Friendly Bear.


A friend came up to spend the Fourth of July free of the encumbrances of modern civilization, and as we headed out this morning to our day’s hike I stopped and tapped him on the shoulder.  There was the bear at the opposite end of the field right by my house.  He was lumbering along, […]

The Intelligent Idle.


I did enjoy this piece in the Times quite a bit on busy-ness and idleness.  When I have thought about where I belong, and who “my people” are, the best answer I can come up with is that my people are “the intelligent idle,” or perhaps “the idle intelligent.”  I feel this used to be […]

New Law From Big Brother: No Plebeians In Parks on Warm Summer Nights.


In New York City this past weekend, I was at a Canada Day barbecue in Cooper Park yesterday which ended perfectly… a cop car drove onto one of the park paths and stopped a hundred feet from us so the cops could watch the thirty-odd people having a picnic.  After ten minutes of being watched […]