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Monthly Archives: August 2012

Three Days.


And no bear visits.



An informed piece on e-waste in the Hudson Valley from one of the few people who knows a lot about it, Sarah Womer.

Jack Kerouac, Man Who Got It.


From Kerouac’s Richmond Hill journals (the area I grew up in Queens): MONDAY AUG. 23 – Told my mother today she ought to go live down South with the family instead of spending all her time slaving in shoe factories in order to earn just enough money to spend on the system of expenses that […]

Amber Scorah.


A friend’s (very nice) new website.  She did a profile of me not too long ago.  It’s odd to read about myself in the third person, but there it is.  One of the people in Denning was talking to me today about how impressive this “Facebook friend” of mine was – it was Amber.  No […]

First Day in Hawaii, and Visit to the Tomb of Joseph Campbell.


I took a trip to Hawaii a few years ago, and while there I visited the tomb of Joseph Campbell.  A friend was asking me about it, and while I don’t have pictures – my camera vanished from my checked baggage – I did have a typically thorough journal.  So this is my journal entry […]

Promised Land Salt Lick.


It took me a few days to notice this, but on the floor by my wood stove I found something out of place: a small cube of Dead Sea salt.  I had it in a corner of the cabin by some drying witch-hazel leaves.  It was probably a third of its original size; two-thirds of […]

Rick Darke and the Discipline of Observation.


I went to hear Rick Darke speak at the Onteora Club in Tannersville on Friday.  I was extremely impressed.  His talk was about Arts and Crafts gardens, but it was clear that for him it was a vehicle for a spiritual vision.  It was this vision that interested me most, although I don’t know if […]

Ugly But Honest.


A shot of me at what should be a Tucson landmark.

The Onteora Club.


God Bless Friends.


I got home from work yesterday, delayed a bit by helping a friend move some furniture with my truck, and after checking for bears I put on my generator and started to make dinner.  I pressed play on my CD player, and West End Girls by the Pet Shop Boys comes on, the preferred music […]