Snow is predicted for tonight, so I worked overtime filling up my truck – which I can still drive to the cabin over the snowless ground – with firewood from a more distant part of my property. The wood is from one of the trees downed by Hurricane Sandy. It’s beautiful wood, fresh green maple. It’s about as good as firewood can be, and it will be keeping me warm next winter.
I do most of my woodcutting by hand, but it is amazing how much effort can be saved with these machines and gasoline. This is about 25 bags of wood, which would have taken a great deal of effort to get to my cabin on my own power. With the truck it was all at the cabin in less than a minute. (Even so, unloading by hand took some time, and I didn’t get it all stacked before darkness caught me).
I burn about a bag of wood every day I’m at the cabin, though it depends a fair amount on temperature and wind conditions. When it stays below freezing all day, I can burn twice as much, and on the coldest days, where it never gets above zero, I can burn six or seven bags in a day. But in general, I burn less than a cord of wood a year.
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