On my trip out to Michigan, I had some worries about my pickup truck. I typically get around 25 miles per gallon on good highway driving across the Midwest – flat, fast-driving country. On this trip however I was heading in to the gas station for another 17 gallons when my trip odometer read 260 rather than 400. The odometer passed 240,000 miles on the trip, and I’m always afraid the next problem will be the last problem for this poor truck.
So I brought the truck in to the very honest Dorgler’s in Richmond Hill, Queens. They were mystified. “That kind of loss of mileage typically goes with a change in performance – but you say there’s no difference in performance?” “No – the truck is normal, but I just don’t get the same number of miles for a tank of gas.” I had them change the sparkplugs, though they said they really weren’t too bad. I had them change the air filter, but they said that shouldn’t have caused this problem either. They looked over everything in the truck. There didn’t seem to be any obvious problem. The fuel filter was new and should have been fine. The fuel sensor seemed fine. They suggested that maybe the winter fuel mixture was causing the mileage to be a bit lower – but other than that there was nothing they could find to cause such a problem.
But there was a problem, no doubt, and I found it. Driving from the city upstate, I stopped in Jersey to get some gas. I then reset the trip odometer. Two hours of highway driving later at 65 miles per hour, my odometer read 60 miles. The reason my mileage was so bad was that the odometer is broken!
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