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Monthly Archives: May 2013

Trying to Get Data on How an Ecosystem Functions.


An interesting article on the importance of native plants for wildlife.  The logic is obvious – animals need energy, and they derive it all ultimately from plants, and they have evolved with certain plants and need them – no bamboo, no pandas.  No eucalyptus, no koalas.  There is plenty of anecdotal evidence as well.  It’s […]

Eight Foot Giants with Double Teeth!


On my most recent American road trip, to Michigan and back, I heard not once but twice, from different people, about a man who had just given a TED talk about the discovery, throughout America, of eight-foot-tall humanish skeletons with double rows of teeth. The claim sounded bogus, but I had nothing but respect for […]

Bald Eagles on the Rondout.


I stopped by the bald eagle nest on the Rondout a few days ago – a bald eagle male has been nesting just north of Grahamsville on the reservoir every year for over a decade now – and there were some big chicks in the nest.  For a sense of what they look like, see […]

My Evening Commute.


Route 55, which I drive daily to work, along the Rondout Reservoir, in evening light.



Driving in to work Sunday morning I passed four police cars, lights blazing, parked outside a house which is far from any town, in the woods.  In the driveway three police officers were apparently making small talk with a long-haired man, laughing and apparently feeling quite relaxed.  The long-haired man was in handcuffs, hands behind […]

In tuo lumine illuminamur.
