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Monthly Archives: July 2013

From Denver to St. George.


We got up before it was light and showered and dressed in the dark, then left silently, not wanting to wake up Rachel’s grandmother. The day was just beginning to lighten outside as we hit the road. Amazingly, the highway was already eight lanes of red lights plodding toward Denver. But we soon turned off […]

Day Three: Kansas City to Denver.


The friend we were staying with in Kansas City – Rachel, who was going to be coming with us and hiking in the Sierras – was at a show that evening for Father’s Day, and we made it to her house just as she was arriving back home around 10:30 in the evening. We had […]

Luther Hadn’t Seen Nothing Yet.


Every time I read about indulgences, I become a Lutheran for at least an hour.  You have to give Catholic hierarchs some credit I suppose for never, ever admitting they’re wrong, even if it means turning their religion into a neverending Onion article: Salvation – or at least a shorter stay in Purgatory – might […]

American Trip Day 2


We rose at 4 a.m. and left Buffalo in silence and darkness. We spent the entire day moving at top speed on interstates; we drove over a thousand miles in a single day. There is not much to report about a drive like this; as Steinbeck wrote, “with the completion of Interstate 80, it will […]

Day One: Across New York State.


I spent four summers during college traveling around Europe, and I always felt a bit ashamed that so many of the Europeans I met there had seen so much more of America than I had: they had been to the Grand Canyon, driven Route 66, hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, seen San Francisco and Hollywood, […]

American Trip.


I’m just about at the conclusion of a two-week trip in America which has involved two cross-country drives and ten days in the back country of the Sierra Nevada.  I will attempt to do some writing about it as time opens up.  For the next ten days I’ll be at Rusticatio Virginiana.

Across the Sierras.
