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Pawpaw Taste Test.

At the nursery we’ve been overwhelmed with abundance this year – it’s been such an excellent year for fruit.  We had a daylong taste-test of our blueberries (Patriot won) and have had apples, peaches, pears, and grapes for months on end.  Now we have pawpaws as well.  I’ve written about pawpaws before, but in the past we never separated the fruits out by named cultivar.  Most of them that we have are just the straight species, but the named cultivars did show actual discernible taste differences.  We tried “Sunflower” and “Shenandoah,” and while both were good, Sunflower was noticeably better – a more complex, tart flavor.  The pawpaw is naturally a bit blandly sweet, like a banana custard.  The best ones we had seemed positively overripe – badly bruised and beat-up.  But their flavor was superb.

I tried growing them from seed two years ago but the seeds all vanished – I believe due to rodents.  This year I’m putting them in damp sand in a friend’s refrigerator to give them a cold spell, and then planting them in spring.  Let’s hope I remember them.

The nursery folks eat the pawpaws - just scoop them out with a spoon.

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