A friend of mine is an artist – both painter and sculptor, he fashioned a bust of Henry David Thoreau for me which sits on my mantle – and he told me he wanted to build a chapel on my property. I suspect that the term “chapel” is just a way of getting me to agree to the project – cunning, because of course I will do anything for God – and I came to my suspicion the following way: we were determining the location for the chapel, and I asked my friend where he thought the door would go.
“Door?” he said.
I responded, “Don’t I need to get into the chapel to pray?”
He said, “Sure, I guess we can put a door in.”
So perhaps this will be a large sculpture more than a chapel. But what the hell, I’ve got six acres. You don’t need a building permit if the building is less than ten by ten, and we’re not getting a building permit, so it will be small.
Last fall we selected a site and began digging. This year we intend to lay foundations and build. My friend texted me just yesterday, asking if the ground was soft yet. I told him there was still almost a foot of hardened ice on top of frozen ground. He texted:
I had a vision that the church must resume construction. It was either Jesus, or [a friend of mine]’s gay uncle Tim who used to model as Jesus for bibles in the 70s.
If it was Tim there’s no rush.
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