A very nice article by Tony Grafton which testifies to the work of the Paideia Institute, a not-for-profit cultural institution inspired by Fr. Reginald Foster with a focus on linking a classical, humanistic education with the joy of being human. I have spent much of my life with the people mentioned in the article, and it amazes me to see their lives coming to fruit, and so much of it sprung from the vitality and truth of the work of Reginaldus. I have had this feeling several times in the past few years, that I have been part of something special, something which is really succeeding within its own small world, something which is changing the way Classics are lived and taught. I’ll be one of the seminar leaders for the Paideia Institute’s Living Latin in New York conference in two weeks, and teaching at SALVI’s Biduum Latinum two weeks after that. In June I’ll be one of two instructors tapped to bring this new living approach to Latin abroad to Africa: there is apparently some feeling there that this new, more vital, “American” approach can give Latin an accessibility and relevance that old approaches have not been able to summon.
Something Is Happening.
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This entry (permalink) was posted on Sunday, February 1, 2015, at 1:33 pm by jbkuhner. Filed in Latin, New York City and tagged Africa, Anthony Grafton, Biduum Latinum, Living Latin in New York, Paideia Institute, SALVI, South Africa.
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