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Ian Caldwell and the Catholic Church.

Despite the clickbait title about the Pope’s bedroom, this is a fine, thoughtful essay about Ian Caldwell’s research into the intellectual life of the Catholic Church and in particular the lives of married priests.  Caldwell researched the topic with his customary thoroughness for his new novel, The Fifth Gospel. I did the Latin for the book.

Caldwell points out what I can second, that priests are not taught to be blind when it comes to problems with the Bible.  Anyone who has read Thomas Paine’s The Age of Reason knows that the scriptures cannot be read literally – not even the math in the Book of Numbers is accurate – and the Church has never put its faith in books.  (Its faith in the papacy, and its faith in what it (in full travesty-mode) calls “the economy of salvation” – its own power to grant salvation, even if necessary to sell it for cash, is another problem).

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