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Snowbound But Melting.

We have thirty inches of snow on the ground – more at higher elevations – and moving around is still slow and difficult, but the thaw has begun.  For weeks I’ve seen almost no animal tracks anywhere but right along the bed of the creek, where the snow is less deep.  But even after a couple of days of light thaw, a good crust has formed on top of the snow, and last night for the first time I found rabbit and coyote tracks.  Life is returning to the mountains.

I am always impressed at how long the thaw takes.  Snow is nature’s reservoir system, holding back water for months in the mountains and releasing it slowly back to the ocean.  The top layer melts but refreezes in the snow directly beneath; the snow in the sun melts but refreezes in the shade; at night all of it refreezes.  Once a drop of water makes it to the creek it moves quickly down to the Delaware and out to the ocean at Cape May.  But it takes a long time for a drop of water on my property to make it that first mile down to the creek below.

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