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Under the Stars at Addo.

June 25th.

Our rondavel before we went to candles.

We drove in the declining evening from Jeffrey’s Bay to Addo Elephant National Park, getting a bit lost in the outskirts of Port Elizabeth, but eventually arriving. And now we are here, at the main camp, staying in a plastered mud hut with a thatched roof and nice detailing – safari chic, they call it. Catherine is pleased as punch, taking pictures of the interior of our little hut, lit by candles under the African skies. Outside this little enclosure where we are staying are the great animals – elephants and lions and rhinos and giraffes.

You never know quite how these things will affect you, until you are there, but I have to say, to me this is the most romantic place in the world. I can’t quite explain how this works, but somehow, to me, man and woman in nature is the most cosmic, and hence the most romantic thing there is – the situation that makes us, not this person or that person, but Man and Woman.

Tomorrow we go on safari.

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