A new slate walk is going in… there was one here before, but it was only two feet across and was sunk below grade, turning into a long muddy puddle in rain and a luge run during the winter. It was so unusable we had to walk on the muddy grass in bad weather. This […]
Monthly Archives: May 2020
New Old Path
15-May-20Middle Age.
09-May-20So much to do, most of it the necessary sort. Children, house, declining body. I think of the way Jung describes the middle of his career: With my work at Burgholzi life took on an undivided reality – all intention, consciousness, duty, and responsibility. It was an entry into the monastery of the world, a […]
So Mighty a Palace, And So Empty
06-May-20Abu Yazid was asked, “How did you attain to this degree and achieve this station?” “One night when I was a child,” he answered, “I came out from Bestam. The moon was shining, and the world was at rest. I beheld a Presence, besides which eighteen thousand worlds seemed but a mote. A deep emotion […]
Swift Observation on Adversative Coordinating Conjunctions
29-May-20In the universe, there are no opposites and no contraries; adversatives are all a matter of interpretation, the operation of brain in the world. They are eloquent insofar as the interpreters share a common worldview, which links together certain traits. They are hence useful for interpreting a person’s worldview. Two different writers might write: “She […]