The media attention which Fr. Reginald Foster has received in the past week since his death has been mostly exhilarating but sometimes saddening. The exhilarating part is seeing how many lives he touched, and how people remain interested in him. The sad part is seeing how the media outlets with the widest reach (such as […]
Monthly Archives: December 2020
Telling Reginaldus’s Whole Story
31-Dec-20Fr. Reginald Foster, O.C.D., 1939-2020
31-Dec-20Reginald Foster in his classroom in 2001. Te amamus, dulcis magister.
Reginaldus and Leo Magnus, for Christmas
26-Dec-20Reginaldus passed away just after midnight on Christmas morning. Some rather sensitive and intelligent tweeter sent this link to me, of Reginaldus reading the first Christmas sermon of his favorite author, Leo Magnus: Here is the text: Agamus ergo, dilectissimi, gratias Deo Patri, per Filium eius in Spiritu Sancto, qui propter multam caritatem suam, […]