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Reginaldus and Leo Magnus, for Christmas

Reginaldus passed away just after midnight on Christmas morning. Some rather sensitive and intelligent tweeter sent this link to me, of Reginaldus reading the first Christmas sermon of his favorite author, Leo Magnus:

Here is the text:

Agamus ergo, dilectissimi, gratias Deo Patri, per Filium eius in Spiritu Sancto, qui propter multam caritatem suam, qua dilexit nos, misertus est nostri; et cum essemus mortui peccatis, convivificavit nos Christo, ut essemus in ipso nova creatura, novumque figmentum. Deponamus ergo veterem hominem cum actibus suis, et adepti participationem generationis Christi, carnis renuntiemus operibus. Agnosce, o Christiane, dignitatem tuam, et divinae consors factus naturae, noli in veterem vilitatem degeneri conversatione recidere. Memento cuius capitis et cuius corporis sis membrum. Reminiscere quia erutus de potestate tenebrarum, translatus es in Dei lumen et regnum. Per baptismatis sacramentum Spiritus Sancti factus es templum; noli tantum habitatorem pravis de te actibus effugare, et diaboli te iterum subiicere servituti: quia pretium tuum sanguis est Christi; quia in veritate te iudicabit, qui misericorditer te redemit, Christus Dominus noster. Amen.

Let us give thanks, most beloved, to God the Father, through his Son in the Holy Spirit, who on account of his great love, by which he loved us, has had mercy on us; and when we were dead by our sins, brought us back to life in Christ, that we may be in him a new creation, and a new creature. Therefore let us put off the old humanity with its doings, and having achieved participation in the creating of Christ, let us abjure the works of the ego. Recognize, o Christian, your dignity, and do not, having been made a partner in the divine nature, fall back by degenerate living into the old vileness. Remember of what head and of what body you are a limb. Call to mind that you, uprooted from the power of darkness, have been lifted up into the light and kingdom of God. Through the mystery of baptism you have been made a temple of the Holy Spirit; do not drive out such a tenant with evil actions on your part, and subject yourself once more to the slavery of the devil; because your price is the blood of Christ; because he will judge you in truth, he who mercifully redeemed you, Christ our Lord. Amen.

I was speaking to another student of Reginaldus’s earlier today, who said that we can’t just pick up the phone and call him anymore; we need another instrument, another way of reaching him. Well I knew he was able to reach me with this recording, because of the following: my Latin pronunciation is generally fine. I’ve made a lot of mistakes over the years and now I generally pronounce the words correctly. In class I have to correct students’ pronunciation constantly. But no matter what, whenever I read for Reginaldus there was ALWAYS a word I would mispronounce, and he would have to correct me. Not just slips of the tongue: words that I really did not know how to pronounce correctly. They would always come up. Well hearing him recite this passage from Leo I heard him say “E-ru-tus.”  I had always thought it was e-RU-tus. And it was like I had him correcting me again.

Gratias ago Deo Patri qui talem doctorem nobis dedit. In paradisum deducant te angeli, Reginalde.

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